Tropical and Subtropical Cyclones with Improved Satellite Observations

Hurricane Isabel (2003), credit: ISS



Tropical cyclones, monsoon depressions and the southwest vortex have significant impacts on a large region from northwestern Pacific Ocean, northern Indian Ocean, to the south Asia subcontinent and most part of China, east Asia and Australia. They are not just key weather and climate factors, but also have significant social impacts and influences on the global and regional circulations and water and energy cycles. The atmospheric, boundary and surface process and their coupling are needed to investigate the development, variations and the consequences on weather and climate. Improvements in physical understanding should be beneficial for data assimilation and forecasts. Visible optical, infrared and microwave observation from satellites had been used for several decades, along with aircraft observations, to significantly improve analyses and predictions. Recent progresses and improvements of observations promote science and applications.


This workshop will review the key science questions of tropical cyclones and the related extreme weather events, and discuss new developments and contributions of satellite observations to these important scientific questions and applications. Contributors cover atmospheric and meteorological research and users, and satellite remote sensing communities. The expected outputs will benefit both science and applications.

The Workshop will cover the following topics:

  • Theory and Overview
  • Observation of Ocean Surface Winds
  • Observation and Sounding of Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Precipitation
  • Modeling, Analysis, Assimilation and Forecast


Date: 7-10 May 2018


Dong Xiaolong ISSI-BJ and National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NSSC/CAS), China
Yu Hui Shanghai Typhoon Institute, China Meteorological Administration, China
Mark Bourassa Florida State University, USA
Wu Ji NSSC/CAS, China
Anny Cazenave International Space Science Institute (ISSI)
Laboratoire d’Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales (LEGOS)
Lennart Bengtsson Emeritus Scientific Members of Max Planck Institute for Meteorology

Participant List

Workshop Agenda

Workshop Handbook



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