Prof. Sharon Xuesong Wang is an astronomer working on the detection and characterization of extra-solar planets, especially planets that are similar to our Earth and Jupiter. She is a faculty member in the Department of Astronomy at Tsinghua University. She received her PhD from Penn State and was a Carnegie Postdoc Fellow before joining Tsinghua in 2020. She's the Project Scientist for CHORUS, a high precision spectrograph being built by China that will search and characterize Earth-like planets in the solar neighborhood.
Professor O'Neill received his PhD from The University of Sydney in 2004, and undertook a postdoctoral degree at Rice University on Martian volcanism. He has published fundamental works on planetary evolution, impacting, and tectonics, surface volcanism, and core structure.
Chen Pengfei is a professor at school of Astronomy & Space Science, Nanjing University. After he obtained his Ph.D. degree in Astrophysics from Nanjing University in 1999, he receives a lot of awards and services in the Solar Community. Since September 2006, he has taken the role of Vice President of the Board of the Solar Physics Division of the Chinese Astronomical Society; also, he has been a member of ISSI/ISSI-BJ Science Committee since July 2019.
Takehiko Satoh is a professor at the Department of Solar System Sciences, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). After receiving his PhD from the Science University of Tokyo in 1992, he started his study of Jupiter's infrared auroras, magnetospheric, and atmospheric activities.