1. Title of the forum:
Space Resources Forum
2. Names and affiliation information of confirmed conveners:
- Angel Abbud-Madrid, Director, Space Resources Program, Professor of Mechanical Engi-neering, Colorado School of Mines, aabbudma@mines.edu. (Lead Convener)
- Chris Welch, Head, Space Payloads Laboratory and Director MSc in Space Studies, Pro-fessor of Astronautics and Space Engineering, International Space University, chris.welch@isunet.edu
- Meng Su, Deputy Director, Laboratory for Space Research, Associate Professor of Phys-ics, University of Hong Kong, mengsu84@hku.hk
- Anhuai Lu, Professor, Earth and Space Science, Peking University, ahlu@pku.edu.cn
- Kefei Zhang, Professor, Geospatial Science, China University of Mining and Technolo-gy/RMIT University, kefei.zhang@rmit.edu.au
- Yang Gao (Female), Associate Dean (International), Professor of Space Autonomous Systems, University of Surrey, yang.gao@surrey.ac.uk
- Amara Graps (Female), Executive Director, Baltics in Space, agraps@balticsinspace.eu
3. Forum objectives, scientific relevance, timeliness, multi- and inter-disciplinarity, added-value and role of ISSI-BJ:
● The purpose of the workshop is to share and exchange thoughts and progress between Chinese and international experts on space resources.
● The exploration and utilization of space resources is an interdisciplinary subject, including planetary science, astronomy, aerospace technology, mining technology, machine learn-ing, etc. The progress in this area is fast recently due to the commercial activities around the world. There were several international conferences in previous recent years focusing on space resources.
● The Chinese aerospace community has not participated in the discussion of space re-sources with international professionals very much. On the other hand, the community has accumulated a lot of related technologies to explore space resources.
● The forum will have 4 sessions:
- Science and Technology
- Education and Jobs
- Market and Capital
- Laws and Policy
● The participants include scientists, engineers, lawyers, investors, government officials, etc.
● It will be great with ISSI’s organization to attract more professionals to join the workshop.