Discover the Sky by Longest Wavelength with Small Satellite Constellation

Image Credit: NAOC



The aims of this ISSI-BJ FORUM are to discuss the problems of low frequency radio observation, which is hampered on the ground by the ionosphere and man-made radio frequency interferences, and so far our knowledge about the sky in this part of the electromagnetic spectrum is very limited. The scientific problems related to this include e.g., the cosmic dark age and dawn, the Sun, planets and exoplanets, interstellar medium (ISM), galactic structure, radio galaxies, quasars, clusters and intergalactic medium (IGM).

The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in collaboration with domestic and international partners, is preparing to carry out a few pilot experiments during the Chang'e-4 (CE-4) lunar mission to be launched this year (2018), and is carrying out intensive studies for a possible future lunar orbit array mission.  The lunar orbit array is made up of satellites flying in linear formation on the same orbit, which make both interferometric and single unit observations of the sky on the part of orbit where the Earth is shielded from the view by the Moon.

During this forum the participants will discuss the various science problems related to the low frequency radio, such as the signature of cosmic dark age and dawn, the solar system, galactic and extragalactic sources, the propagation effects, and data analysis methods.


  • Overviews of low frequency sky and missions
  • Overview to the Science Problems
  • Past and Current Observations
  • Instruments and capability required
  • Synergies Complementary missions and International Collaborations

Date: 23-25 January 2019


Chen Xuelei NAOC, China
Wu Ji NSSC, CAS, China
Jack Burns Colorado University, USA
Joe Silk JHU / IAP, United States / France
Leon Koopmans Groningen, The Netherlands
Hanna Rothkaehl SRC, PAS, Poland
Maurizio Falanga ISSI-BJ, China 

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