Variability and Predictability of Solar-Terrestrial Coupling: the Next Scientific Program of SCOSTEP
Coronal mass ejection. Image Credits: ESA/NASA/SOHO
Context and Objectives
The charter of this ISSI-BJ Forum is to define the next scientific program of SCOSTEP for the period 2019 – 2023. SCOSTEP is tasked with running long-term scientific program in solar terrestrial physics (STP) by the International Science Council (ISC). The participants of the ISSI-BJ Forum shall define the scientific program based on (i) current status of the NSP document, (ii) participants’ expertise in STP science, (iii) the input received from the community, and (iv) work plan for the final Forum in ISSI-Bern. The participants are expected to think beyond their own field of research to identify problems that need to be solved over the next 4-5 years. The topics selected will interdisciplinary in nature and will be run by international teams. The topics should be of interest to as many of the SCOSTEP constituent scientific organizations (COSPAR, IAGA/IUGG, IAU, IAMAS, IUPAP, SCAR, URSI, WDS) as possible.
Date: 14-16 November 2018
Nat Gopalswamy | NASA, USA |
Ioannis A. Daglis | University of Athens, Greece |
Maurizio Falanga | International Space Science Institute - Beijing, China |
Wang Chi | National Space Science Center, CAS, China |